by David G. Johnson | Nov 10, 2014 | Small Business Marketing, Social Media
Does your Facebook page have that one team member who’s always clicking the “Like” button on your posts… and it looks like the “Page” liked the content instead of the person? Are you mystified by the latest Facebook change that...
by David G. Johnson | Nov 4, 2014 | Small Business Marketing, Social Media
It’s not unusual for Facebook to “move my furniture” once in a while. That happened recently with the “Schedule” button that used to appear with a little clock icon like this: Facebook is rolling out a change that eliminates the little...
by David G. Johnson | Sep 12, 2014 | Small Business Marketing
Facebook has recently rolled out a new set of tools that make it much easier for users who manage pages to control how they post, like, and comment. Although the Facebook Business Manager was a step in the right direction, keeping track of your identity as you tooled...
by David G. Johnson | Aug 29, 2014 | Raves and Other Asides
File this one under “Possible Branding Disasters.” What do you think? Does the new Hershey logo look like the emoji for a steaming pile of poo? Sound off in the comments below!
by David G. Johnson | Apr 17, 2014 | Raves and Other Asides
Recently, I was thinking about a photo I once saw of Zig Ziglar. In it, he was seated in front of his “Wall of Gratitude,” a collection of twenty-seven photographs of people who significantly impacted his life in some way. I can’t find the photo this...