Our Blog
Content Creation: Delegating or Outsourcing
In an episode of their Kick Some ADHD podcast last year, Dana Rayburn and our own David G. Johnson talked about the importance of delegating. It’s a huge stumbling block for most entrepreneurs and small business owners. Living with ADHD definitely exacerbates the...
Creating Content: Recycling, Refreshing & Resurrecting
A prevalent concern that seems to come up quite a bit when we’re talking about content is repeating yourself. We’ve even talked about it a few times before – which should probably clue you in to the approach I’ll be taking to the question. But I don’t want to assume...
Creating Content: Why Size Matters (for Web Graphics)
We’ve talked about ideas for content blog posts – making sure they’re targeted and relevant to your ideal customer. And we’ve gone over some great tips for coming up with a headline that grabs the prospective readers’ attention. So this week, we’re going to dive into...
Creating Content: 6 Tips for Attention Grabbing Headlines
One of the biggest struggles for many people when they first get into content creation is finding the right headline for their articles. Even as I’m typing this, it’s under a very generic, hopefully temporary headline. I’ve been doing this in some form or fashion for...
Creating Content: Before You Get Started
I don’t remember where I heard it first – in some movie or in my college journalism classes – but it’s been said many times that a good news story covers the five “W’s.” Who, What, Where, When & Why. Of course, “How” is usually in there too. A humor piece in the...
Developer vs Designer: What’s Best for Your Small Business?
So I’ve written a lot about needing to have a website, regardless of the size of your small business, in this day and age. As a company, we’ve been preaching it since our earliest days as Epiphany Marketing. It was important and necessary even before the pandemic...
Cracking the 6 Codes for Successfully Working From Home
About four years ago, the man I refer to fondly as our fearless leader, David G. Johnson, the co-founder of Grow the Dream, was diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. As part of his journey through the prognosis and how to best address it,...
Give Them a Menu: Why Less Yields More
As an actor and a screenwriter, I tell people all the time that in the Hollywood industry, you need to think more in terms of selection than rejection. For creative types, especially actors who are essentially selling themselves, it’s a way of not taking the process...
8 Positive Reasons Why Remote Work is Here to Stay
In my research to make sure I covered all the bases in this piece, I found a Forbes article written by Sam Rad back in 2018 that claimed 50% of the United States work force would soon be remote. Sam’s a futurist and emerging tech specialist, but I doubt she was...
automate the important
here are 25 ideas
Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:
25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing