Our Blog
Just Get Started!
Growing a small business can be a wild mix of challenges. Your website's contact form is -- if it's anything like mine -- constantly bombarded with SPAM from SEO companies ("We noticed your website doesn't rank very well in search engines," or "We can get you to the...
Does Social Media Marketing Really Work?
Getting fans and followers is awfully trendy right now. But if you’re like many small business people, you’re probably saying, “Yeah… but does it increase sales?”
Our clients and trainees have known for some time that it’s possible to grow your business with social media because, when approached strategically, it comes in line with one of our cardinal principles in modern-day marketing:
“He or she who engages, wins.”
Offline Marketing is Dead
You know it… and I know it. Offline marketing the way you’ve always done it doesn’t work. (Stick with me for a video clip about what is working.)
Direct mail response is down. Your hometown newspaper is quickly becoming your hometown leaflet. I’m willing to wager that more copies of your local yellow pages hit the recycling bin the day they got delivered than ever before. (And the ones that didn’t get recycled that day are proudly being used as doorstops — if they’re heavy enough!)
We Goofed! (Warning! Don’t Let Your Marketing Go Wrong)
Today I had to eat some crow. And I know you've been there too, so you know it just isn't any fun. But I had to apologize today to thousands of people for completely dropping the ball. In hindsight, it all seems very simple. People we've met through webinars we've...
Increase Your Response: Make ‘Em an Offer They Can’t Refuse
Here's #5 of 5 Ways to Increase Your Response just by changing the words you use! 5. Make 'Em an Offer They Can't Refuse In the spirit of Don Corleone (and with your best hoarse Godfather voice) think about what motivates -- no, drives -- them... then give 'em...
Should You Use Social Media to Market Your Business?
We've already tackled the question about YouTube for Marketers recently, and I've been a big believer in it for a number of years. In fact, business owners and entrepreneurs in our 21st-Century Strategic Marketing Program have heard me beat the drum of not just...
Increase Your Response: Pass the “So What!” Test
Here's the 4th of 5 Ways to Increase Your Response just by changing the words you use! Pass The "So What!" Test One of the biggest contributing factors to the dismal results that small business marketing tends to get has to do with the value and sequence of your...
automate the important
here are 25 ideas
Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:
25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing