Our Blog
Too Long; Don’t Care?
So you committed the cardinal sin of marketing… You committed to keeping in regular contact with your past clients, and deeper connect with new ones. But you or someone on your team dropped the ball. Or the person running point on that communication left the company...
Do You Know Who Your Customers Are?
Years ago, I worked with a TV commercial producer who also wrote and directed some, well, pretty strange, if not awful movies. He made quite a bit of money as an even lower-rent Roger Corman or Troma productions. He would make these films with former teenage TV stars,...
Is Your Business Having an Identity Crisis?
In the 1930’s, Erik Homberger, a trained Montessori teacher, budding psychoanalyst and patient of Anna Freud (Sigmund’s daughter) brought his family to the United States, changed his name to Erik Erikson, and was offered a teaching position at Harvard. While there,...
What Are You Really Selling Today?
In the 1950’s, when Walt Disney built his first theme park, he wasn’t looking for corporate synergy or to sell merchandise or to make Anaheim a vacation spot. Walt just wanted to capture the spirit and feeling he had as a child, enjoying a carnival. Somewhere parents...
What’s the Threshold Below Which a Potential Customer Would be Better Off Left to Competitors?
Wow. That title’s a mouthful. And a challenging idea to put out there. The blog post equivalent of social media’s “Controversial opinion:” Will you agree with me on the conclusions I’ll draw by the end of this article? Maybe, maybe not. I’ll tell you, companies that...
What is the Lifetime Value of a Customer?
Every year around Thanksgiving, my parents go Christmas tree shopping. When we lived in Ohio, we actually cut our own tree. But in Florida, where they live now, there’s no tromping through snow with an axe or tree saw, picking the best Douglas fir, etc. Now they go to...
What’s The Cost to Get a Customer?
Forbes published an article earlier this month, titled, “The Real Reason Disney Created Disney+” Disney+ of course, is the mouse-owned streaming service where you can watch The Mandalorian, Hamilton, and tons of the Disney back catalog. The article posits, accurately,...
Are Your Customers Looking for Long Term Solutions or Quick Fixes?
This is it. The halfway point on our journey to building a truly strategic approach to your marketing plan. For the past three weeks, we’ve talked about where your customers are coming from, how they find you, and how to begin building a relationship that leads to...
How Often Does Finding You Lead to a Transaction?
Coming home from the gym earlier this week, I pulled into the parking lot of a local grocery store that was on the way. I needed to grab some cleaning supplies really quickly. And although I knew they would cost more there than at WalMart, it was convenient. Except it...
automate the important
here are 25 ideas
Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:
25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing