Our Blog
Why Building Community is the Top Business Priority for 2020
I recently met with a potential client to discuss how they wanted to engage their audience. While they’ve been around for several years, they’re just now getting into social media. But that wasn’t why they were meeting me. They have an executive staff member who had...
Instagram Videos – a Deeper Dive Into an Ever Evolving Platform
I’m a little weird. Maybe it’s cause I’m older -- I grew up reading books and magazines long before the Internet as we know it existed. And I’m a fast reader. Or maybe it’s because of my Protestant upbringing, that emphasized words over pictures and images. Whatever...
How to use the WordPress Health Check & Troubleshooting Plugin
It is estimated that somewhere between 25 and 50% of modern websites run on or utilize a WordPress install. Not bad for a program that was started by a 19-year old soon-to-be-college-dropout just 16 years ago. Of course, much like Steve Jobs, while Matt Mullenweg was...
Where Do Blog Post Ideas Come From?
So now you’ve got your website set up, either fully inside a WordPress install or with a WordPress blog integrated. You’re ready to go, you just need ideas for your first topic… and at least 11 or 50 more. Remember, as I explained, the key to Search Engine Elevation...
Are Two Brands Better Than One?
Quick quiz – what do a gecko, manatees in t-shirts, Randy Jackson at a dog show, McGruff the crime dog, He-Man & Skeletor, Maxwell the pig, and an old guy saying, “As long as…” have in common? They’re all in GEICO commercials. GEICO has no less than 13 distinctly...
Posting to Instagram – From Your Desktop
The social media world has seen a trend in recent months, thanks to the attention given to Facebook’s privacy policies – or its seeming negligence in adhering to some of them. Slowly, as the news confirms some of the mid-level "conspiracy theories" about Facebook may...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
It is Christmas week, and many of us are busy baking, wrapping and singing carols. For fun, we thought we would provide you with a simple, yet delicious, recipe for Peppermint Bark...a holiday favorite, this confection is sure to delight young and old (and you can...
Blessings and Thanks
As we think about gathering tomorrow with friends and family to give thanks for our blessings and for the meals we will be sharing, we should remember that this is also a time for reflection and thanks. Please join us as we pause to think of those less fortunate who...
Can Instagram Help Build Your Business?
Even if you’re aware that Instagram has more than 800-million monthly and 500-million DAILY active users, as a small business owner or entrepreneur you might have assumed that it’s just a social media channel that’s not worth your valuable time. You might think it’s a...
automate the important
here are 25 ideas
Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:
25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing