Our Blog
Cutting Through the Noise
Have you wondered why your tried and true historic methods of gaining new customers have been less and less fruitful in recent years? Consider this: according to author David Shenk in his 1999 book, Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut, the average American was...
It’s the Economy, Stupid!
(With apologies for the insulting quote in the title of today's post... and also for bringing up memories of an election year gone by...) What do we do in a down economy? It happens. Sometimes your business is affected by an economic downturn. Whether you've got a...
How To Drive Off Your Customers
Too busy at work? More than enough revenue? Here are some ways you can keep those pesky customers and prospects away... #1: Make Sure Your Marketing is All About You After all... people who want to spend money with you want to understand how your products &...
Easy Listening
Yesterday, we talked about focusing on your customers. I'll be the first to admit that without intentional effort, it's easy to begin to drift away from listening closely to them. But in business, this can be a costly mistake - even when times are good and business is...
Who Are You Focused On?
Yesterday, we talked about listening to your customers to pay attention to the "why" behind their purchases. Today, we're focusing more on the "who." It probably goes without saying that another critical component in getting to know your customers and clients is that...
Are You Out of Touch?
So far this week, we've focused on you and your identity as a business. Now it's time to do something every bit as critical and just as important, if not more so: focus on your customer. Something that continues to amaze me is how easy (and common) it is for...
Part 2: Fuzzy Marketing
In Part 1, we talked about getting clear on your identity. Knowing who you are is absolutely fundamental to marketing - no matter what business you're in. So... what business are you really in? The Starbucks example is a fun one. They definitely sell coffee. They make...
Part 1: What Are You Really Selling?
In my work with clients over the years, one thing I've observed is that most marketing mistakes made by businesses both small and large come from a fundamentally poor understanding of the real identity of the business. If you don't know who you are, how can you...
automate the important
here are 25 ideas
Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:
25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing