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Increase Your Response: Write From “Me” to “You”

Here's the 3rd of 5 Ways to Increase Your Response just by changing the words you use! 3. Write From "Me" to "You" I have a shocking revelation for you: Your future customers don't care about you. That's right. I said it. I'll say it again. They don't care about you....

Should You Use YouTube to Market Your Business?

One of the questions I am frequently asked by people exploring their online marketing options is: Should I be using YouTube as a marketing tool? The answer is 100% "Yes!" In fact, we recently trained the members of our Strategic Marketing Program on this very topic:...

Increase Your Response: Make A Bold Promise!

Here's the 2nd of 5 Ways to Increase Your Response just by changing the words you use! 2. Make a Bold Promise Ultimately, marketing is about promising something to your future customer (or your existing customer... if you're working toward repeat business). What you...

Increase Your Response: Use a Headline!

You're on your way to getting better results with the 1st of 5 Ways to Increase Your Response just by changing the words you use! (You may want to take a moment and read that introductory post if you haven't already.) 1. Use a Headline Without question, this is the...

5 Ways to Increase Your Response

Looking to get better results out of your website, e-mail, direct mail or other advertising and outreach efforts? Over the years of working with and training the greatest businesspeople on the planet -- small business owners and their teams -- I've found that this is...

Should You Change Your Pricing Strategy in this Economy?

One of the questions many business owners are grappling with right now has to do with pricing strategies. We frequently hear it this way: Should I lower my prices as a response to shrinking demand? Conventional wisdom in most cases says, "Yes." But I want to challenge...

3 Content Creation Ideas for Small Business Marketing

One of the points that anyone marketing in the 21st-Century will reach is the moment known as "writer's block." We know that we need to be creating great content and pushing it out -- whether online, via e-mail or print newsletter, or through social media such as...

Ziglar Just Announced Next Week’s Webinar

I gotta tell ya... it's very exciting to me. We recently wrapped up a consulting project for Ziglar, Inc.  And I'm still pinching myself. I'll never forget the first time I heard  Zig Ziglar's distinctive voice... I was in middle school in Texas, and we got a 2-minute...

5 Low-Cost Ways to Get New Customers in 2009

Well 2009 is in full swing. My question for you is: How does your pipeline look? If you're not satisfied with the number of new prospects or leads coming in to your business, it's time to get serious about what you're doing to bring them in. Here are 5 ways to gain...

automate the important
here are 25 ideas

Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:


25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing