Our Blog
Increase Your Response: Write From “Me” to “You”
Here's the 3rd of 5 Ways to Increase Your Response just by changing the words you use! 3. Write From "Me" to "You" I have a shocking revelation for you: Your future customers don't care about you. That's right. I said it. I'll say it again. They don't care about you....
Should You Use YouTube to Market Your Business?
One of the questions I am frequently asked by people exploring their online marketing options is: Should I be using YouTube as a marketing tool? The answer is 100% "Yes!" In fact, we recently trained the members of our Strategic Marketing Program on this very topic:...
Increase Your Response: Make A Bold Promise!
Here's the 2nd of 5 Ways to Increase Your Response just by changing the words you use! 2. Make a Bold Promise Ultimately, marketing is about promising something to your future customer (or your existing customer... if you're working toward repeat business). What you...
Increase Your Response: Use a Headline!
You're on your way to getting better results with the 1st of 5 Ways to Increase Your Response just by changing the words you use! (You may want to take a moment and read that introductory post if you haven't already.) 1. Use a Headline Without question, this is the...
5 Ways to Increase Your Response
Looking to get better results out of your website, e-mail, direct mail or other advertising and outreach efforts? Over the years of working with and training the greatest businesspeople on the planet -- small business owners and their teams -- I've found that this is...
3 Content Creation Ideas for Small Business Marketing
One of the points that anyone marketing in the 21st-Century will reach is the moment known as "writer's block." We know that we need to be creating great content and pushing it out -- whether online, via e-mail or print newsletter, or through social media such as...
Ziglar Just Announced Next Week’s Webinar
I gotta tell ya... it's very exciting to me. We recently wrapped up a consulting project for Ziglar, Inc. And I'm still pinching myself. I'll never forget the first time I heard Zig Ziglar's distinctive voice... I was in middle school in Texas, and we got a 2-minute...
automate the important
here are 25 ideas
Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:
25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing