Our Blog
How to Put a Video In An Email
Recently, I was traveling, and got a question from a friend of mine: Can I put a video in an email without sending it as an attachment? The answer is, "No." But you can do it. Or at least the recipient of your email will think you did (unless they know this simple...
iTunes Doesn’t Support Let’s Encrypt Certificates
Update (March 19, 2017): iTunes has quietly added Let's Encrypt to their list of officially supported SSL certificate providers. We're going to test this out to confirm that it is indeed working. We'll update this once we've confirmed it! Recently, we learned a...
A Competitor Sabotages Your Facebook Rating. Now What?
We live in an age where $5 can wreak carnage on a reputation. A Boston jewelry store in business for 135 years had built a stellar reputation in the community, and it translated into a five-star rating on many websites, but most importantly maybe their Facebook page....
The Wild West Market Redefines Twitter Likes
Trigger Warning! This post officially flips the Twitter terminology from “favorite” to “like.” If this might cause you emotional turmoil, you may want to proceed with care. Twitter has changed its Favorite button to a Like button. But long before it did that, users...
Guerilla Marketing Through Slideshare
So you want to build a mailing list and one of the avenues you plan to use is Slideshare. But from previous experience, you know that most Slideshare productions gain the equivalent traction of ice on ice. That would be, none. But there is a sweet little method that...
The 1-Cent Click: the Holy Grail of Facebook Ads?
Facebook drives advertisements based on proven social engagement. But it can be a bit of a chicken-and-egg challenge to get engagement before running the ad, or without having a large following from the start. But Grow the Dream Show co-host Josh Muccio employed a...
Content Marketing: How It’s Done…How It’s Not Done
How It’s Done We love the entrepreneur and small business owner. But today we at the Grow the Dream Show have examples of a little guy getting it wrong and a big corporation getting it really right. First, an example of Pure Killer Content by a major corporation. SC...
Apple (and all other) Ad Blockers Can Be Bypassed
The brouhaha over Apple extending the battle against an overwhelming wave of annoying digital ads points back to something that never seems to change — regardless of how much technology changes. Content is King. Sure, old news is no news. But when some say the sky is...
Unicorns Keep Crap Off the Wall
Every digital marketer, political consultant, entrepreneur and would-be influencer on the planet is after the Holy Grail of social media. No, not what makes a post viral. What works. What really, really works. Larry Kim, the Grand Poobah of targeted digital...
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here are 25 ideas
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25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing