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How to Maintain a WordPress Site (for Non-Techies)

How to Maintain a WordPress Site (for Non-Techies)

Back when the Internet first launched, long before Facebook or Twitter or even AOL, it used to be incredibly difficult to do anything on the world-wide-web. It was mostly like an old Ham radio club – made up of electronic bulletin boards, government nodes and...

Don’t Be An Egg

Don’t Be An Egg

Have you wondered why people aren't choosing to follow your social media profile(s)? Maybe your Facebook Page isn't getting "likes" as frequently as you'd hoped, or maybe other Twitter users or Instagrammers aren't following your business account back? It just might...

Why Facebook Rejected Your Ad… and What to Do About It

Why Facebook Rejected Your Ad… and What to Do About It

If you watched The Social Network, the movie about the founding of Facebook, you may remember that they were adamantly against posting advertising on the platform, along with Google and a few other of the sites that launched Internet 2.0. It’s one of the indisputable...

How to Determine the Length of Your Customer’s Sale Cycle

How to Determine the Length of Your Customer’s Sale Cycle

It’s likely, even if you’re just starting to dip your toe into sales or entrepreneurship, you’ve heard the term “The Funnel” While it used to be considered revolutionary and new, the marketing technique of taking unknown people and converting them, bit by bit into...

Convincing Happy Customers to Rate & Review

Convincing Happy Customers to Rate & Review

It’s a brand new world out there. It used to be enough to provide a good product or service to your community. Then word of mouth was bolstered by well written and placed advertisements that heralded the benefits of your product and service, along with an endorsement...

What is a Lead Magnet?

What is a Lead Magnet?

You finally took the plunge. You did the research, built your website (probably with WordPress) and launched the online side of your business. You made sure you were listed on and started ranking on Google, Bing, & Yahoo. But unlike the folks in those UPS...

3 Things Every Business Owner Should Do in 2018

3 Things Every Business Owner Should Do in 2018

Every January, we have a habit of re-evaluating what we're doing. What worked last year? What didn't work? What needs tweaking? If you're like most business owners, you also think about new goals. Did we hit our revenue targets for last year? What is a realistic...

How to Convert Your Website to Secure / HTTPS

How to Convert Your Website to Secure / HTTPS

It's time to "go secure." That's right, it's 2017 and it's time to convert your website over from HTTP to HTTPS. In fact, it's been a good idea for a while now... especially since Google announced that it would begin to use HTTPS as a ranking signal back in 2014,...

automate the important
here are 25 ideas

Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:


25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing