Our Blog
How to Stay Sane While Working from Home
You have been home for weeks. ... or is it months? You don't know what day it is. Your idea of walking to work is taking the steps to get from your bedroom to your office or living room. Your roots are showing, the walls are closing in ... yes, you are suffering from...
Stuck at Home? Keeping Your Small Business Momentum Going
When the year started, several memes floated around the interwebs. Some speculated on how quickly life was going to have to accelerate to bring us up to date with 80’s science fiction films. Others enjoyed comparing this year and decade to come with its past...
Outdated Stats, Undated Content, and How to Screw up Your Marketing
Growing up, there was a particular saying that my mother and the folks in safety school used to share quite a bit. I don’t recall it being an exact number, but the story was that the majority of car accidents happened within 5-miles of your home. And sure, growing up...
Coronavirus: What are “Essential Services” in Florida?
On April 1, Governor Ron DeSantis finally issued a state-wide mandatory safer-at-home order for Florida. "All persons in Florida shall limit their movements and personal interactions outside of their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services...
6 Ways Small Businesses Can Support Each Other in This Crisis!
We are at our best when things are at their worst. And despite fear, worry, and even panic, that is often the case. These are unprecedented times. Unlike the often short-term preparations for projected bad weather, unlike the "light at the end of the seasonal tunnel"...
Working Remotely Doesn’t Require a Crisis
Last week, the Mayor of Los Angeles issued an emergency order titled “Safer at Home” in response to the pandemic spread of COVID-19. Within hours, the California Governor’s Office made the local edict the law throughout the state. And while not everyone is taking such...
Data NOT for Sale? The Privacy Propositions of CCPA & GDPR
The era of the free Internet is over. Actually, it’s been over for some time, it’s just that now everyone is noticing – and taking action. Back in the old days, you had to offer valid, meaningful information, in the form of a white paper, eBook, infographic or other...
9 Inspiring Ideas for Social Media Videos
As a savvy 21st century small business owner, you know that, despite the often upside down seeming ROI, you need to be marketing yourself on social media. 2016 saw a shift in people watching more video content, especially on their mobile devices. And looking back at...
How does Audio Search Affect Your Content Strategy?
“Okay, Google… How popular are voice searches in 2020?” “According to a two-thousand sixteen report from ComScore-dot-com, by twenty-twenty, fifty-percent of all Internet searches will be done by voice.” “Alexa, is that the most accurate representation of the data?”...
automate the important
here are 25 ideas
Capture more profits, enjoy more free time, and increase your sales with the tips in our free guide:
25 Things Every Business Owner & CEO Should Automate in their Sales & Marketing